太阳能电动摩托车连接器,不同的from traditional motorcycles using electricity and oil, use new energy solar energy and add a solar panel to the body. The solar energy received by the solar panel can be converted into electric energy by energy converter to provide power for motorcycles. Will this new energy electric vehicle bring new opportunities for the development of motorcycle industry and promote the development of upstream electronic components industry? With questions, the reporter asked the exhibitors of ximeconn connector Electric Industry Co., Ltd. On-site exhibitors are confident about this new energy electric motorcycle. "The sun can run, very suitable for the weather in the South... At present, this car has been mass-produced. When asked about the impact on components such as connectors, he said that technology had not changed much, mainly in the application of solar panels. In terms of market impact, "of course, many components industries will benefit." Under normal circumstances, solar electric motorcycles can travel 80-90 kilometers continuously, save 500 degrees of electricity a year compared with ordinary electric vehicles, and save about 1000 yuan a year than fuel vehicles.
两组48V14AH电池;自变电450W控制器;350 W电机。原始方形电池盒位于踏板下。光线和薄距离踏板上的14Ah电池盒长距离。我将电池线从原车中拉出,形成与车身的连接。如果您懒惰,则一个组耗尽,另一组用作备用电源。这相当于备用油。但是,为了减少单个电池的放电电流,增加更新线,并在驾驶期间提高加速性能(其实际证明这是真的。也就是说,油门可以更剧烈地拉动,两组可以更加猛烈地拉动电池同时流入控制器的强大电流。这辆车非常强大。当单个电池不敢猛烈地拉动油门时,害怕电池损坏,电压下降也很快。虽然 speed of parallel use is not high, the maximum speed of exercise can be stable at more than two or three hours. Unlike the single power of Gaodianya, it can only last for less than half an hour. )
该方法直接并联连接,开始时可以,但是当时第二次拉动节气门时,熔断器被烧坏。然后我将二极管连接到电池。使用时,另一组没有二极管烧险的电池。最后一项成功的方法是,两节电池与一个空气开关串联连接,外端与一个插座连接。三个头用电动车上插头。在两个电池中,千斤顶是千斤顶,即内部有三个小销。即使是电动车的末端也是插头。(实际上是三个凹坑。)自制连接器是y形的。上两个头部由高功率二极管串联连接,该电二极管是一个分支并连接到两个电池。这是公共汽车。 Connected to the electric car controller. This way, single and double electricity can be switched at will. When charging, remove the connector and charge it separately. Because there are diodes that can not be charged in reverse.
摩托车或电动车喇叭通常使用电磁振动型,内部具有一组线圈。在通电之后,产生磁场并且振动膜被抑制。它的优势是其简单的结构。然而,其工作电流大,并且通常最小工作电流也是1.5 A.此外,添加高音蜗杆耳的加入高达3A的工作电流。使用时,喇叭开关和线路易于损坏。以下引入了低功耗高响度电子扬声器。电路如图所示。NE555构成音频振荡器电路。音频信号通过其3针输出直接耦合到三极管V.
摩托车或电动车喇叭通常使用电磁振动型,内部具有一组线圈。在通电之后,产生磁场并且振动膜被抑制。它的优势是其简单的结构。然而,其工作电流大,并且通常最小工作电流也是1.5 A.此外,添加高音蜗杆耳的加入高达3A的工作电流。使用时,喇叭开关和线路易于损坏。以下引入了低功耗高响度电子扬声器。